Dr. Vimal Gupta M.D., D.M. (Gastroenterology)

Bleeding Per Rectum

What is rectal bleeding?

Rectal bleeding is a symptom of a problem in the GI tract. The definition is broad as it means any blood passed rectally; consequently, the blood may come from any area or structure in the GI tract that allows blood to leak into the GI lumen (area where food and fluid is processed for absorption or removal as waste). For example, a bleeding ulcer in the stomach can have the blood excreted in the person's fecal material Rectal bleeding may be due to problems on the rectum itself or from many other problems that occur elsewhere in the GI tract. Perirectal bleeding is bleeding in an area adjacent to the rectum and may be due to abscesses or fistulas.

Rectal Bleeding Symptoms

  • Rectal pain
  • Bright red blood present in or on the stool
  • Change in stool color to black, red, or maroon
  • Stool test positive for occult blood loss (blood may present, but you cannot see it)
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness
  • Fainting, palpitations or rapid heartbeat